Medicated Baths

What Are Medicated Baths?

Medicated Pet Baths in Verona & Montclair

Medicated baths help restore the skin to its normal flora or balance, allowing it to heal from parasites, fungus, viruses, or other issues. Since medicated baths are often used in conjunction with other medications, they should only be administered after discussing your pet’s treatment plan with your veterinarian.

Fleas, ticks, and other parasites can damage the skin’s protective quality as they feed on a blood meal. Allergies, thyroid disease, and other systemic illnesses can also do the same. In these cases, medicated baths are commonly used with other medications since they contain specific ingredients to fight infection and inflammation.

If you believe your pet is suffering from a skin condition that would benefit from a medicated bath or you notice signs of external parasites, call our office at (973) 239-1881 today.