Advanced Procedures

Our State of the Art Equipment

Laparoscopic surgery

We have the equipment and the training to perform “minimally invasive” surgery. This is the method almost all abdominal surgeries on people is done. Instead of large incisions in the patients abdomen 2 to 3 small openings are made to allow the surgical instruments to enter the abdomen and perform the procedure. Minimally invasive also means minimal post operative pain and quicker recovery for your pet.

Flexible Endoscopic Surgery

This equipment allows us to enter a pet’s stomach and intestines without any incisions in the pet’s body. This is the equipment that is used on people to perform colonoscopies. We are able to remove foreign objects that pets have swallowed as well as retrieve biopsies of the stomach and intestines to help us diagnose many intestinal diseases including cancer. This is a non-invasive surgical procedure that allows a pet to go home a few hours later as if nothing has happened.

Video Otoscopy

Many pets have chronic painful ear infections. Many times this is due to the problem that the infection has settled in the “middle ear” and traditionally we are only able to clean and treat the “outer ear canal.” With the pet sedated, this equipment allows us to see into the middle ear on a small TV screen and insert instruments to clean and flush out the infection.

Laser Surgery

With the use of a laser instead of a scalpel we can perform many surgeries with much less bleeding and post-operative pain.